Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Super Secret Boulder Project Update 2

It has been a very good week at the stash. I saw a long term project go to pieces as The Minnick worked out the finishing moves and sent it in a moment of bliss. We have also been working on the Topo. I have gone through and logged all the GPS locations for all the walls. The GPS has givin me some info to share. The outcrop stretches about a half mile long with boulders and walls spread out pretty evenly. Other than that things are still moving fast with the weather being so nice. We are hoping to take a few people out for a preview of the area and get some other opinions of the area.

The plan for the next week is to try to get second ascents on some of the Moderates to obtain a consensus grade for some climbs. As things are we have about 60 problems and short routes. With little over a quarter of the areas developed.
I am looking forward to getting my Mentor and Coach out for some FA's on a couple of short routes. Here are a few more pics for yall to look through.
Hint 2 Get of at the Suwanee Exit and go.... See ya next week.

Here is a couple video's of Problems from the Area.

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