Sunday, October 24, 2010

Well after a long year I have discovered the most interesting little crag in Gwinnett Co. It is truely a north atlantians dream come true. It started with many miles Kayaked and many more hiked through the woods. Bushwacking in hopes of discovering something new. I have come across boulders from North GA to roswell. This area is going to be a fun new addition to atlantas climbing. No more driving 2 hours in each direction to touch some stone.
Soon you will be able to take a afternoon and turn it into a nice outdoor evening climbing on real rock. So far we have gone through the area and found Slabs, Overhangs, Vertical walls and crack climbing. The Gwinnett crag has a million and one ways to mantle a finish. These boulders range from small to large between 8 ft- 25 ft or so. There are many boulders I would estimate from what we have found to be as many as 20 0r so boulders and discovering more all the time. At this time Development is taking place at a fast rate and much thanks to Andrew Minnick and Robb Slocum for working so hard to get this new area clean and ready for the climbing community. Mr Minnick has put up problems at a rapid pace and is doing so 2 to 3 times a week. Slocum is the fastest scrubber alive he can have a problem clean in 10 minutes flat. The climbing has been ranging from VB-V get a project it has it all. We are currently developing the area drawing topos rating and naming climbs. The directions and Topos will be out on April 20th for all to see and enjoy.


  1. Nice blog entry buddy! I am looking forward to reading more.

  2. How's the access to this new area? Hopefully we won't be trespassing. How about some help with the cleaning and establishing problems?

  3. Robert said...fantastic news. Finally found some real rock on my side of town. How can we get involved? Keep us informed on the progress.

  4. Public Land so I access is not a question. As for involvement. We are keeping it to a small group of developers so that documentation stays accurate. Soon you will have a wonderful crag in Gwinnett be patient. We are having a release of the crag. The date is April 20th. We will post video and pics of other boulders and there are many. Besides everyone loves having a private crag at least till April. I think thats not to much to ask for 100+ hours of Google earth and trampling for woods during all of our free time. Thats not all there are other places near Atlanta. but thats another blog...

  5. Sure would be nice to share in the development of a new area as a community. Has anyone contacted the SCC,I'm sure they would be excited to help as well.

  6. "We are keeping it to a small group of developers so that documentation stays accurate"

    So you are attempting to control access to public land because you feel some sort of entitlement due to "x" number of hours of your self described "free" time? Seriously??

    Sounds like you're using the failed Laurel Knob Route Mangement Plan as your template.

    I never knew pebble wrestlers were Elitists on par with the CCC.

  7. What Paul said...

    And...If I find out that there's bolts on any of these boulders, I will remove them personally...

    You hear me, Lenny!!?

  8. What did Ben Say.
    I wonder if Coach J will let me borrow that bolt bazooka?

    Paul Paul Paul...
    I pulled a hair out of my nose and it HURTS...

  9. Those hours on Google maps only took about 30mins max. The type of terrain in N. Gwinnett that would support that type of cliff line wsn't hard to find.
    Sure would be nice to share this area with the SCC and other climbers. It is public land so maybe we will see you out there soon.
    I understand you wanting continuity in the topo but I think you underestimate peoples willingness to help and work with you to keep it consistent. None of us are entitled to these boulders,people will appreciate and respect the work you've put in,we just want to enjoy establishing a new area. No ego's,no bullshit,no entitlement...make it happen as a community.

  10. Bomber, If someone doesnt tell you how to get there you will not find it. Promise.
    Besides, As for establishing, Finished unless you climb harder than V9. A community, if a community wants to find a crag they would go looking for it. but it seems as nobody wants to do that work. You can call me and we can talk about it. Or you can write on this wall no matter to me. If you find it. I will personally show you around.
    678-887-68one4 Lenny

  11. Where is this place? I live about 30 mins from roswell and I need a closer place to climb that isn't plastic. Email me? Mcherf at gmizzle.
